The Guide to Nature Guides of Hong Kong.
Please note that this is not the same format as the other wildcreatures booklets; it is A5, 28pages, staple stitched, and colour photocopied/printed on demand.
Why a Guide?
This is a list of individuals, organisations, and places that offer some of the best experiences that Hong Kong has to offer. c.40 individuals and places are listed in this publication.
My wildlife walks and experiences are always deeply enriched by having a guide with me, as they are key to the element of “discovery” which makes nature tourism so fulfilling, and leaves us so full of wonder. These experts can share awe inspiring tales, and fascinating facts about the creatures around us, and are at the forefront of protecting those without a voice.
This booklet cannot be purchased anywhere else. If you would like a PDF download, please contact me.
One copy HK$90. HK$75 + HK$15 postage and packing.